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Australia Day
Every year Pakistanis In Australia celebrates Australia Day in Pakistan with an exception in 2016 and 2020 where we organised fundraisers for Australian Bushfire victims.
Zarar Shaheed Trust Hospital: 
We contributed towards the women's health clinic in an under-served area in the province of Punjab. Rs. 240,000 were collected through an online donation.
Acknowledgments: Fillipino Australian Multicultural Association
WA Bushfire Victims Fundraiser: 
Fire in Yarloop shocked all of the nation and we decided to have a fundraiser for our fellow Australians. The venue was provided free of cost and so was the food by our patrons. In addition a numbe ro four female members provided their dresses for sale.
Acknowledgments: Ayalnto Cafe in Rockingham, Cafe Punjabi in Victoria Park, Platinum Restaurant in Wanneroo, Senior Citizens Centre in Mannings and Fillipino Australian Multicultural Association
Beenai Project: 
This Australia Day we launched a new project requesting members to donate their old pairs of eye glasses for those in Pakistan who cannot afford to buy one. The first batch of reading glasses was distributed through AJK Medical College in Pakistan.
In addition Solar lights were donated to a remote village.
Acknowledgment: Dr. Saeed Shafi, Dean AJK Medical College.
Syed Naeemul Hassan at Children Health and Education Foundation
Initiatives Supporting Education
Government Primary School, Kuthiala, is located in village Kuthiala, Tehsil Sambrial, District Sialkot, Province Punjab, Pakistan, located 200 kilometers south from Islamabad. The Australia Day was celebrated with kids in this schools where the were provided the school bags and tooth brushes.
Acknowledgments: Ms. Fatima Khsuhnud
Installation of Water Pumps and supporting patients
Two water pumps were installed in two remote areas of the province Sindh.
Cash donation was also provided to Child Aid Association at National Institute of Child Health in Karachi.
Acknowledgment: Rida Ahmed and Syed Naeemul Hassan at Children Health and Education Foundation
Supporting CHAEF Schools
Government Primary School, Kuthiala, is located in village Kuthiala, Tehsil Sambrial, District Sialkot, Province Punjab, Pakistan, located 200 kilometers south from Islamabad. The Australia Day was celebrated with kids in this schools where the were provided the school bags and tooth brushes.
Acknowledgment: Syed Naeemul Hassan at Children Health and Education Foundation
Morning Tea at Higher Education Commission and supporting Pediatrics Unit at Civil Hospital, Karachi
A morning tea was arranged at Higher Education Commission, Islamabad and cash donation an dgifts were provided to young kids at Civil Hospital.
Acknowledgment: Ms. Noor Amna Malik at HEC and Prof. Iqbal at Civil Hospital

Supporting school kids

WA Bushfire Fundraiser

Solar Lights

Water Pump 2

Australia day at HEC

At school
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