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About Us


• To promote greater awareness of the needs and concerns of Pakistani migrants and students in Australia among all levels of the government and non-government sector and general public.
• To facilitate the exchange of information, experience and skills between Pakistan and Australia.
• To facilitate the capacity development in similar organisations/groups and to provide them with resources and information to develop their skills.
• To arrange for cultural, educational and recreational activities.
• To facilitate opportunities for Pakistani migrants and students to participate in and contribute to the group through leadership, mentoring and mutual support.
• To undertake initiatives to better assist the Group  to promote a positive image of Pakistan and Australia
• To collaborate and assist similar groups from different ethnic backgrounds and nationalities whose aims and objects are compatible with those of the Group.
• To establish Foundations/trusts for achieving its objectives
• And such other Objects as the Association shall consider worthy and appropriate from time to time.


The membership of the Group is restricted to female residents of Australia or of Pakistani origin living in Australia except in the cases of Associate Membership or Affiliate Membership which is open to anyone with interests that are compatible with the objectives of the Group. The membership of the Group, comprises three separate categories:

1. ORDINARY MEMBERS  $16.50 per annum including GST
• Ordinary members shall be open to any female applicant who is in agreement with the objects of the Group contained herein and has satisfied all other provisions specified in this constitution.

Each ordinary member is entitled to one vote at General meeting and is eligible for election to the Council.

​• Each ordinary member is also entitled to free entry or concession at any events organised by the Council as per decision of the Council.


2. AFFILIATE MEMBERS  $22 per annum including GST
• Affiliate membership shall be open to any club/association or other organisation that;

has been established for a period of at least twelve months, or

•can satisfy the Group’s Council of Management that they are bona fide organisations, or
•as aims and objects which are not incompatible with those of the PIA (INC).
•Each Affiliate member organisation will appoint a delegate to the Group and will exercise one vote at General meetings.
•Each Affiliate member organisation is eligible for election onto one position for Affiliate members on the Council.

3. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS $5.50 per annum including GST
• Associate Membership is open to any person who is in agreement with the objects of the Group contained herein and has satisfied the provisions specified regarding the procedures for membership. Associate membership carries no voting rights and is not counted as part of the Ordinary or Affiliate membership for the purpose of constituting a quorum. Associate members can only be nominated for one co-opted vacancy in the Council.

ABN Number
14 868 531 310
A/C NAME: Pakistanis in Australia
BSB:             036054
A/C No:        321437
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